Herbs were commonly used before western pharmaceuticals were introduced. Treating and preventing medical conditions with herbs is naturally safe, as an overdose would cause irritation or nausea instead of landing in the emergency room.
Oriental medicine has long term history, main treatment is acupuncture, moxibustion(patch) and herbs.
We specialize in non-narcotic practices in healing pain such as headaches, chronic pain, joint pain, and back pain. We use an array of proven methods such as trigger point acupuncture, acupressure with point and meridian. Reflexology for rehabilitation. And many more! Our goal is to treat and relieve your pain permanently instead of using pharmaceuticals for temporary relief. We also provide to special patches. These patches including acupuncture treatment.
Self-Treatments is to locate the root of your health issues and reverse them naturally. Reflexology and Acupressure can treat many chronic and acute diseases, rather than managing or suppressing them. Acupuncture, Acupressure and Reflexology are best way to increase for human's immunity system. Our practitioner are able to provide a deeper healing of mental, emotional, and physical complaints.
This natural Anti-Aging procedure to improve the look of fine lines, wrinkle, and dark spot. “ Acu-Face-Lift “ procedure on social media, people more interested in this holistic approach to anti-aging(no surgery, no chemical). I strongly recommend to you efforts to improve life style with this treatment. Better life style (less stress, emotional stability, good friendship etc.) is always for your first priority.
Advocates of acupuncture for weight loss believe that acupuncture can stimulate the body’s energy flow to impact factors that can reverse obesity such as : increasing metabolism, reducing appetite, lowering stress and so on. Modern diseases are often caused by excessive problems rather than lack.
Ceragem Master V3 for Massage Programs. Spine scanning and Advanced Protector Moving System. Intensity control(6 Steps), Advanced Massage Program by Ceragem Alternative Medicine Institute , Creagem sound therapy and Smart design(sliding to seat), Alternative Medicine of Oriental and Western(Moxibustion/Finger Pressure/Massage/Chiropractic/Themal Therapy)
Facial Acupuncture (Detox Effect)
GOAL: Anti-aging medicine, Safe and Health option
Area: Regular body points with face, chin
Detox Effect: Treating imbalances inside the body, Increase the balance of energy and blood to the face(anti-aging)
Cosmetic Results: A reduction in fine lines, the beginnings of jowls can be minimized, People see improvement in acne and rosacea, Skin gets softer, more vibrant, Cheeks get smoother, Overall skin tone becomes more consistent, Age spots have faded, Reduce sun damage
General Health Results: Hot flashes and/or night sweats went away, Eyes looked so bright, Mild depression and anxiety is resolved, Digestion improved and this is definitely affects in the skin and on the face, more energy, Resolved mild headache
Compare the results of other procedures:
Injectable, Peels and Lasers, Surgery
History of migraine headaches, Seizure, any seizure disorder
Uncontrolled hypertension (no medications), Blood thinning drugs(bruising), Severe emotional problems, contraindicated during pregnancy, Smoking (quit first), Alcohol, Poor nutrition, Sun damage
Risk of cosmetic acupuncture:
Bleeding and bruising, Infection (very rare-sterile needle)
Damage to deeper structures, Asymmetry, Nerve injury
Needle shock, Allergic reaction, Delayed healing
Unsatisfactory results (No guaranteed)
List of supplements and their relation to good skin care:
Vitamin C Ester, Alpha Lipoid Acid, DMAE, Alpha and beta hydroxyl
Vitamin A, B-complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Co-Enzyme Q10
Food and your skin (note for food energetics), Calcium, Magnesium
Trace Minerals, Zinc, Silicon, Sulfur, Omega3/6
Herbal recommendations:
Oriental herbal medicine (ask to practitioner)
Premature aging, anti-aging, and more “constitutional” conditions:
Resolving emotional problem(stagnation), digestion deficiency
Peril-Menopause, Insomnia
General notes:
Eat a balanced diet and regular times consistently, eat local food
try to eat according to the seasons
Stress control(under), Exercises (energy flow) body and face
Facial diagnosis:
Eyebrows – Eyes – Nose – Mouth – Face shape – Lips – Skin color
Beauty marks
Instructions and future:
To maintain good results,
Once a week until 10 weeks (10 sessions), or
Minimum once every two weeks’ treatment
After that, monthly or 10 treatments once a year
At least 2 treatments every 6 months
Initial (75 minutes): $170
Subsequent (60 minutes): $150
What to do:
Wear comfortable clothes or bring short and a short sleeved top
Drink water
What to avoid:
Stop aspirin and additional doses of Vitamin E for 2 weeks prior to reduce potential for bruising unless your physician to take it
Please do not make-up but eye makeup okay:
Weight Loss Acupuncture (Detox Effect)
Regular body points with abdomen
Detox Effect:
Treating imbalances inside the body, Increase the balance of energy and blood
Pregnancy, nursing mothers, Uterine fibroids, poor digestion (spleen/stomach deficiency), Emotions affect eating and spleen important (poor digestion), Stomach (acid reflux), over eating
Compare the results of other procedures:
Risk of Loose Weight acupuncture:
Bleeding and bruising, Infection (very rare-sterile needle)
Damage to deeper structures, Asymmetry, Nerve injury
Needle shock, Allergic reaction, Delayed healing
Unsatisfactory results (No guaranteed)
General Health Results: Relief emotional issues, Digestion improved, more energy, Resolved constipation and diarrhea
List of supplements and their relation to good digestion:
Angelica Vitality Oil, Juniper Cypress Oil etc.
Herbal recommendations:
Oriental herbal medicine (ask to practitioner)
Combination & Harmonizing:
Heart/Small Intestine/Fire – Sweet foods/tastes
Lung/Large Intestine/Metal – Bitter foods/tastes
Kidney/Bladder/Water – Salty foods/tastes
Liver/Gallbladder/Wood – Sour or acidic foods/tastes
General notes:
Eat a balanced diet and regular times consistently, eat local food
try to eat according to the seasons
Stress control(under), Exercises (energy flow) body, abdomen massage
Bowels – Appetite – Stress – Upper – Center – Lower abdomen
Instructions and future:
To maintain good results,
Twice a week for 6 weeks (12 sessions)
Minimum once every two weeks’ treatment
Then once a week for 6 weeks(reassess)
Not guaranteed
Initial (75 minutes) : $150
Subsequent (45 minutes): $130
What to do:
Wear comfortable clothes or bring short and a short sleeved top
Drink water
What to avoid:
Stop aspirin and additional doses of Vitamin E for 2 weeks prior to reduce potential for bruising unless your physician to ta
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MSP(10 visits covers $23 per visit)